Roopbaan, Bangladesh
“I am the co-founder and editor of the first LGBT+ gay magazine in Bangladesh titled Roopbaan. This contrasted with the continued criminalization of homosexual relations and intolerance toward the LGBTQ+ community in Bangladesh. The publisher of the magazine and another activist were killed in what the government claimed was a ‘terrorist attack’ in 2016. A good number of people were forced into exile. I was outraged that I was forced to flee from my country for something as simple as storytelling. The whole purpose of the attack was to dismantle the nascent LGBTQ+ movement in Bangladesh. However, the exiled people have become more connected because of their common struggle. It is powerful and hopeful that even after this incident we are stronger together. I never actively think of myself as a survivor of torture, just someone who has the courage to continue living as before.
The projected picture was taken in 2015 during the LGBTQ+ ‘Rainbow Rally,’ organized by Roopbaan magazine to promote a more inclusive society by celebrating diversity and friendship. No banner or slogan was used. Participants were asked to dress in one color of the rainbow in silent protest about how there is no recognition of gender diverse populations by the government. Since there were no apparent LGBTQ+ connections, the rainbow rally was applauded by thousands. Mahbub Rabbi Tonoy is featured in the middle of the photo dressed in yellow and was one of the activists who was brutally murdered in 2016.”