Featured on the Nikon Magazine website

My upcoming solo exhibition, “Enrich Me with Your Difference”, is currently featured on the Nikon Magazine website.
The exhibition will run between Tuesday 8th of April and Friday 3rd of May in the North Transept of St Albans Cathedral as part of their artist in residence programme, with the current theme of “charity”.
“Enrich Me with Your Difference” celebrates a career of humanitarian photography working with charitable organisations. The photographs span five different continents and include photos for the British Red Cross, International Alert, Farm Africa, TASSC International and many more.
The exhibition has been supported in various ways by 9 Yards Creative, Metro Imaging, Nando’s, Lea Printers and Orchard Framing.
Jonathan Banks is an award-winning British photographer with over twenty-five years of experience collaborating with charitable organisations and NGOs documenting important humanitarian campaigns with human rights concerns.
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